Monday, August 11, 2014

Your weekly update:

I just want to send a shout out to all of my friends/fam out there.
Thanks for the support :) You're all awesome!

I have finally gotten a job offer, and of course, I took it on the spot!
It's definitely been a journey through this whole job searching process, definitely not what I expected, but I'm thankful for the growth through it all.

I'm just happy someone finally sees how awesome I am! 

Anyhow, I am now employed by non other than:
drdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrrrr... (it's a drum roll, just go with it!)

I'm pretty excited for the new things I'll learn and the continual room for growth.
I don't really know much about coffee, but I'm great with people and this is a great starting point. So I am optimistic about the new things to come! Plus I get to be friends with everyone in town ;) 
Get ready [insert random small town name] 'cause Erin is going to be your new BFF!

This week I did a few fun lil things:

Went on a date night with the Hubby: Chinese food and a movie!
Chinese food = WIN
Movie (Into the Storm) = NOT A WIN

I've seen three movies in this town since I moved here... didn' of them.
I don't consider myself a hard critic (In SOME aspects, haha) I am easily entertained by movies, and I enjoy a wide variety of them.

• Transformers 4, or whatever number it is, was so lame! The best part of the movie was Marky-Mark. Even still, I don't think I'd willingly watch it again. It wasn't TERRIBLE, it just was not great. Least fave: The dumb boyfriend. Girls, don't look for a guy like that. There are better options!

• Next was Lucy... ooooh Lucy. Again, good cast: Scarlett Johansson, Morgan Freeman, seems legit. We were really hoping for something reminiscent of "Unlimited" with Bradley Cooper.
Unfortunately it was not. 
My least favorite favorite part was when Lucy put all the knowledge of the universe onto a USB drive. 
Before it even happened I leaned over whispering, "Put it all on a USB." 
Lo and behold, that is EXACTLY what happened. We died.
"Is this compatible with my MacBook Pro?"
"Do I need to upgrade from Snow Leopard?"
The jokes go on and on...

For me, there was nothing redeemable and I just don't even understand why that movie was made. I'll sum in up with the words of Vitruvius [Morgan Freeman's character from the Lego Movie]:
"The idea is just the worst."
Go ahead and watch the clip, it's great.

• Last and least is Into the Storm, which was our date night movie.
CHEESE! Pure cheese!
I laughed a lot. The husband fell asleep. At least one of us was entertained!

Oh well, you win some you lose some! 
Next time, I will read reviews before dropping $30. #lessonlearned

Enough with the critiques for now.

Another fun event of the week was Mini-Golf... I suck! I think my score was somewhere around 65 points? Sounds right. Regardless, it was fun to hang out, do some putting, and get eaten alive by mosquitos :)

Yesterday, we hung out at a beautiful little swimming hole.

I encountered less bugs than normal, so that's good news!

All I need is a floaty. I'll have to make a Walmart trip at some point to get one! Then I can just chill with a book and call it a day. 
I could get used to this ;)

Hoping to go watch the Perseids this week, if the smoke will clear up and the Super moon will decide to disappear, just for one night! Please!

I'll let you know how it goes!


  1. Congrats on your job!! I'm happy for you :) Thanks for the movie reviews and saving me from losing the money on watching them. I think a floaty and a good book in that swimming hole is a fabulous idea!! I really enjoyed reading your blog today.

  2. Hey! I love your blog. You don't know me but Brad does.

  3. It is September 1 and I'm looking for more blogs.....
